Look At Life
Amy is an intriguingly thought-provoking speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur who inspires others by showing them how to look at life a bit differently. As a result of the hardships she encountered and overcame throughout life, she noticed one common theme… we are only one decision away from a totally different life.
Learning life’s lessons didn’t come easy, but as a result of them Amy achieved some life-altering accomplishments such as producing and hosting a TV special called Stretching Your Dollar; creating a one-of-a-kind product for women’s restrooms; and helping parents raise money-savvy kids so together they can raise a debt-free, independent, financially responsible generation, one child at a time.
Amy has had many Aha Moments along the way which helped her successfully process financial hardships and life’s transitions. She shares these in her book Words of Wisdom: What you need to know on your life’s journey as well as in her Aha Moments on YouTube and Facebook.
Although life is great now, it was not always that way. By deciding to get up off the floor when disaster struck and put on her “big girl panties” she found her voice. This allowed her to successfully change her life story and she no longer waits for someone to rescue her, she just does it herself.
Compelled to help people navigate their lives, she now shares her insights, inspiring others to reimagine their decisions so they can find their voices, change their stories and become their own heros.
Amy lives in Northern Virginia with her husband of 30 years. She enjoys traveling and spending time volunteering with her therapy dog, Duncan bringing joy to those in her community.
Exploring What
IS Possible.
The life we live today is a direct result of the decisions we have made. Ultimately, we want to live lives that are fun, happy, and fulfilling, but most of us struggle to do so in at least one aspect of our lives.
Since today is tomorrow’s yesterday, the decisions we make today will impact the life we lead tomorrow.
In this transformational talk, Amy shares her personal stories that were pivotal points in her journey, how her decisions created an incredible life, and will
inspire everyone to reimagine their decisions.
Moving Beyond “Stuckness”
Most of us set goals but not all of us achieve them. Whether it is a health, career, or relationship goal many people get “stuck” and decide to not do anything.
Stifled by fear, worry or overwhelm, we stay in our familiar surroundings talking ourselves out of the things we say we want in life.
Amy turns this subject on its head and gives a totally different perspective…. One that will move everyone from stuck to moving forward with excitement and energy.
Many of us are living lives like zombies… going through the motions seemingly unresponsive to our surroundings. How many times have you driven somewhere and not remembered anything on the way?
This impactful keynote will wake you up so you can live life intentionally and not get to the end of it with regrets for everything you didn’t do.
Amy gives insightful strategies to feeling empowered and creating the life wanted instead of going through life on autopilot.
Amy leads you to exciting insights that will make it possible for you to make a meaningful change. Her vibrant energy is contagious!
Or Ardely-Benno
The tools I brought back home I’ve incorporated in my life daily. I’m more positive, I’m stronger, I love life fuller thanks to Amy.
Kris Denney
Amy’s talk was very positive and encouraging…a definite game changer!
Sylvia Ann Faircloth
Amy is very genuine and that is refreshing. She presents information in an entertaining and informative way.
Christopher Lieb
Thank you! Your talk gave me more understanding on my mindset and how I can change my frame of thinking in any negative or stressful situation.
Jasmine Jones